Learn about our efforts to help the planet .

At Rainy Sunday we're committed to being greener and trying to minimize our impact on the environment.
For our clients this means offering greener options. It also means trying to eliminate single use items where we can for you.
And it means offering clients a way to participate in our 'Recycle your Styling' initiative - a more planet conscious approach to styling.

Thinking Greener

We provide ideas to clients based on the most environmentally friendly option with sustainable event styling.

Making an Impact

Our goal is to elimate single use items from our events. Flowers are gifted to others for a second life. Produce is given to OzHarvest and decor is donated to the Salvos.

Recycling Your Styling

We started our own initiative to recycle styling items and sell them at a donation sale. The money raised is donated to our clients chosen charities.


Three times a year we have a donation sale on behalf of our clients. We sell all our used event styling items and donate the money to charities of their choice.

Why do we this? Because we really do #giveashit about the impact our work has on the environment.  It's our responsibility to actively incorporate greener ways to run our business. You can work with us knowing we're putting the effort in to being planet conscious .


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